Areas of Practice

Preparation of Wills


If you have never done a Will, or if you have old Wills that need updating, we can help. There is a lot of decision-making that goes into the preparation of your Wills. You don’t have to make those decisions ahead of time. We are here to guide you through the process.

Trust Creation


Many estate plans involve the use of trusts. Many people feel that their estate is “too simple” to require a trust. Including trusts doesn’t necessarily add complication to your estate plan. When you have minor children, a beneficiary with a disability, or if you are in a second marriage, trusts may play in an important role in your planning. We can chat about this.

Power of Attorney Drafting (for Property and Personal Care)


Powers of Attorney are essential documents. In some cases, they are even more important than a Will. Powers of Attorney give others the power to make decisions for you while you are still alive. We can talk about how to choose who that would be and help you understand the scope of their responsibility.

Estate Administration


Managing an estate is hard work. Executors and trustees often need guidance, both in applying for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee (or probate) and in the ongoing administration of an estate. We can help.

Estate Mediation


Rebecca has a Certificate in Mediating Disputes from Harvard Law School. She has a particular interest in helping families who are struggling with a contested estate, or the equitable distribution of assets. Rebecca is also available to mediate any elder care disputes between families. She believes that the preservation of family harmony is paramount and to the degree possible, this is the ultimate goal of her mediation.